Have you ever seen this pencil sharpener?

It is aaaamazzzzing!!
I have always had a love/hate relationship with pencil sharpeners. Troy from Classroom Friendly Supplies graciously sent me The Quietest Classroom Pencil Sharpener to review. Troy is a primary school teacher so he knows a thing or two about the trials and tribulations of pencil sharpening. Many teachers like me struggle with finding a great pencil sharpener that works every time, easy to use and kid friendly!
In Title 1 we have a treat tub and always inside it are pencils from the dollar stores. The kids love them but they typically do NOT sharpen well in the run of the mill pencil sharpner. Well the green beauty above did a WONDERFUL job at sharpening each and every holiday, felt, and glitter pencil that I tried. It even did a great job on the colored pencils that I tried too.
It's quiet! It's quick! And Sharp!
Look at how sharp the points are!!!
My son LOVES this pencil sharpner! He was sad when I took it into my classroom yesterday!
You should head right over and check out Classroom Friendly Supplies and get your own today!
Love this pencil sharpener.
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