Dear Mom, Thank you for picking up Nathan from summer school everyday! I truly appreciate it!
Dear Resume, Please, Please work your magic and get me a job!!!
Dear Boss, Thank you for getting Claire and I a bigger room! We LOVE YOU!!!
Dear Hubs, Thank you for working 12 hour days this week so we have the extra money to get our pool fixed. (hopefully, not sure how much damage we have in the pipes)
Dear Nathan, Why is it your forget to put deodorant on? YUCK!!! Smelly 11 yr old boys!
Dear Friday, Thank you for coming so fast! I'm excited for the weekend!
Dear Pool Leak Checker Guy, Thank you for working in the rain today to detect the leaks in both the skimmer and return line of my in ground pool.
Dear Rain, My garden desperately needed you, but time to stop already!
Dear Blog Buddies, Thank you for listening! Love ya!
Sincerely, Cindy
I will be having a sale on TPT August 12-13!!
Stopping by from Mingle with Us and following. Love your blog!