It's time for "It's ok" hosted by Neely and Amber! and Tracey for Thankful Thursday!

It's ok.................
--that I don't have much of my lesson planning done for Summer School that starts Monday!
--that I will spend the majority of the weekend catching up!
--that I spent 3 weeks doing NOTHING but relaxing and enjoying vacation!
--that I polished off a 1/2 of bottle of wine with dinner!
--that I enjoyed the WHOLE week at home by myself while my son was at boy scout camp!

I'm thankful........
--that my co-worker worked her magic today with our summer school schedule while I was talking to our boss. I don't think I could have done it! I was sooooo frustrated as it was!
--that I am able to work for the next 5 weeks to bridge the summer money gap. We get paid hourly so they have to pay us for hours worked we can't bank the money to get a pay check through the summer.
--that my son will be home on Saturday.......I miss him!
--that we have had 2 great camping trips so far this summer. We have one more next month.....we are going to Pennsylvania-white water rafting!
it is always okay finishing off half a bottle of wine with dinner. happy time! :)