There is an awesome giveaway over at Susan's Blog! Head on over and enter to win!
I am finally linking up with Bonnie over at Living a Wonderful Life. She is hosting her first ever Linky Party!! I have many obsessions lately! She get's excited over certain things things like Carolina Football and her dog!
Here are some things that I am obsessed with............
1. New Fonts!!! I am always on the look out for new fonts!! I have over 1000 on my home computer!
2. Clip-art! I have been purchasing a ton of clip-art lately so I can use it in the things I make here in my classroom and will be making for my TPT store.
3. Photography- This has always been important to me but I FINALLY want to learn how to get out of my comfort zone (auto mode) and shoot in manual mode!
4. Teacher Blogs!! I have been blog-stalking for a long time now and I finally jumped in with 2 feet and started my own!
What are you obsessed with? There has to be something!!


Hosted by Happy Go Lucky, I Heart Crafty Things,
I am obsessed with clip art & new fonts too!! I can't get enough of them! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Love your blog!! And just became your newest follower!
I LOVE Clipart!!! I play with it all the time... New follower from the MWU hop.. hope you have an excellent day!