Sunday, September 27, 2015

BIC is the best!

It's that time of year again!! Back to school! I am so excited to team up with BIC again this year to help show the importance of handwriting. 


The awesome folks over at BIC sent me some great products to review. I am always willing to try out new school supplies! Here is a picture their back to school line-up:

BIC’s 2015 Back-To-School Line Up...

BIC Xtra-Fun #2 Pencil: The only #2 pencil with two-toned color barrels. The product features ultra-solid, break resistant lead and is easy to erase with its latex-free erasers.

My students enjoy having these in our writing center!

BIC Xtra-Craze Mechanical Pencil:
The BIC Mechanical Pencil is celebrating its 30th birthday in style with new, fun, custom-designed patterns that are sure to make any student stand out this school year. Whether taking a test with its strong, #2 lead or simply doodling, this pencil is perfect for any type of writing!

My students are to young for mechanical pencils BUT as a teacher I love them! They write so smoothly! And would wouldn't love the colors?

BIC Brite Liner Erasable Highighter: The BIC Brite Liner Erasable Highlighter features a highlighter on one end and an erasing ink tip on the other end for fast and easy edits. The florescent yellow ink makes bold, vivid highlights; perfect for the diligent, note-taking student.

My favorite product in the pack was these new erasable highlighters. How often do students make mistakes with their highlighting and need to erase? These will really come in handy.

BIC Cristal Stylus: The BIC Cristal Stylus gives you the best of both worlds! One end features a lightweight stylus that easily glides across tablet and smartphone screens, providing fingerprint-free precision and control. The other end is an iconic BIC Cristal pen!

My students LOVE to use these on the i-Pad's that we have in our room! Of course I love being able to use them too!

BIC Atlantis Ultra Comfort Pen: New to the popular BIC Atlantis pen franchise for 2015 is the BIC Atlantis Ultra Comfort Pen, which features BIC’s exclusive ink system for even smoother ink compared to BIC’s classic ink system. Students will find their ideas flowing freely with this pen, which also includes an extra soft silicone grip that conforms to your hand for the ultimate writing experience.
The BIC Atlantis pen writes so well! Its my favorite lesson planning pen!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

TPT Sale

Head on over to our TPT store and take advantage of the awesome Teacher Appreciation Sale that we are having. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Please help me win by voting!

I have entered my hubs and I into a contest to win a year of free dates from Groupon! He and I don't get my spare time together alone! It only takes 30 seconds to vote for our picture!

Click the link below and it will take you to the Facebook voting page! Then click vote! That's all! Thank you so much!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Family Gingerbread Project

Here is our December Family Project! We read several different versions of the Gingerbread Man Story! We compared them before we left for Holiday break. So I tied our family project to the Gingerbread Man. The object was to disguise your gingerbread man so he wouldn't get eaten by the fox!

Turkey Family Project

Yes, Yes I know! This is from November! But I'm posting it anyways!

For November we did a Family Turkey Project!! WOW did we have some awesome ones come in! The object is to disguise the Turkey so he won't find his way to the dinner table.

Most of my kids and their families take part in the family project! We continually send reminders to those that don't! As a part of the GSRP program family involvement is an integral part. This is one of the ways the parents can be involved without having to come into the classroom!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Humpty Dumpty!

One quick thing........... I need everyone's help! I am also a part-time photographer. I have entered a contest to win a new lens that would help me further my business in portrait photography! Could you please take a moment to vote? I only have one day left! All you have to do is click on the link-- click get started and pick my sunflower fields photo as your 1st choice then choose a 2nd photo as well that is posted! Thanks!!!!

A few weeks ago we worked on Fairy Tales. The kids had soooooooooo much fun! I brought science into our unit by observing and experimenting with eggs.

First we experimented with Humpty, Dumtpy to see if he really fell off the wall! He does! 

This is what we started with! I made a brick wall our of a cheese-it box! Our other experiment was.... Will Humpty Dumpty sink/float at the pool, and sink/float in the ocean!

They played in the egg yolks! 

The kids looked at the yolks of the eggs!

The kids observed the eggs while they were in water!

Here we learned that everything looks bigger in water!

I was surprised that all of then played in the eggs once they cracked! My supervisor happened to be in during our small group time and was kind of grossed out by it! But the kids has a blast! They were engaged the WHOLE time! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Belated Turkey Day!

I have completely neglected my blog since summer time. I have focusing on my classroom and my photography business. I have entered into a contest to win a much needed lens for my business. Can you help? Please vote for my picture as your 1st choice. You do not have to register to vote. Just click the link and choose my photo as #1, then choose a 2nd choice.

PLEASE, PLEASE help me out!!! If you could share on your pages that would be great! Every vote counts!

Vote Here!

I have another post I have been working on this weekend about he happenings in my class!

You can check out my website!

Friday, October 25, 2013

October Family Project- The Pumpkin

Better late than never!!

Here in our Jr. Kindergarten (GSRP) we do monthly family projects!

For October we sent home a pumpkin to be decorated! Our monthly family project encourage families to work together to complete the project at home. 

Here is what my sweet kiddos came up with! Enjoy!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

I have a new...............................

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I posted a few weeks ago about my job issues! Well I believe that good things come to those who wait!

Running around, Jumping up and down!!! I got a NEW job! I am now a full-time GSRP/JR. Kindergarten teacher!

I am sooooooo excited for this year. I loved my job as an intervention teacher but I will now have my own classroom, own children ect..... I met all of my parents last night at parent orientation! Next week I will meet my kids at Family Night!! We are still in the process of finishing up the room. When we are finished I will blog with pictures!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So I have neglected to blog this summer!

Not really neglected but made a conscious choice not to blog. I didn't have anything nice to say about teaching, my job ect.... I still don't but I will get through it. Needless to say I am in a new position within my district (not by choice). I am now a preschool para. I am still looking for a full-time teaching position. This summer I have taken the time to focus on my photography. I have always LOVED photography and my camera goes with me wherever I go. Here are just a few wildlife shots from that last few weeks.


Not only do I LOVE landscape and wildlife I love to take pictures of kids, families ect... The only photography job I wont take on now is a wedding. While I love weddings I just don't have the experience yet. I plan on second shooting with other photographers before taking them on myself. 


I did take an awesome PD course over the summer though--It was SIOP training. In my district and many around me have a huge population of ELL students. I was contacted by BIC this past week and given the opportunity to review their new highlighter tape. OMG this stuff is awesome! It works just like whiteout tape. I will have a review coming soon once school starts!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Help needed from my fellow teachers!

I am calling on my fellow teacher's  for some help! We have had an opportunity that has come up last minute. 

My son Nathan has been given an amazing opportunity through Civil Air Patrol. He has been asked to be a part of the Patriot Week ceremony that will happen at the Mackinac Policy Conference at the end of May. Nathan will be involved in a presentation of current and historical flags that symbolize America. In order to make this happen on such short notice he need's your help. 

Click on the flags to learn about Patriot Week

What is Civil Air Patrol (CAP) you ask? It is a non-profit organization and is the Official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. CAP is charged with three missions: Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs and Emergency Services. Our cadet program provides youth ages 12 to 21 with exciting and challenging opportunities. Cadets experience the wonder of aviation through first hand experiences flying in CAP aircraft, learning about aviation from pilots, mechanics and working around aircraft.

What is Patriot Week?

Patriot Week renews America’s spirit by celebrating the First Principles, Founding Fathers and other Patriots, vital documents and speeches, and flags that make America the greatest nation in world history.

Please consider donating so he will be able to attend the Mackinaw Policy Conference. Every little bit helps! I am excited that he has been given this opportunity. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! Tax receipts will be available to those that request them!

If you are unable to help please pass the word along on your blogs! We would greatly appreciate it! If you pass this along to your followers I will give you the item of your choice from my TPT store. Please comment below with the link to your blog or Facebook post.

For every donation of $20 or more I will send you 20 items from my Teachers Pay Teachers store! If you donate please email me at 

Thank you so much!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

Head on over to my TPT store to get 20% off everything in my store PLUS the extra 8% from TPT with code TAD13. Click the banner below!!

Happy Shopping! Thank you for all that you do! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

MPM School Supplies!

I was given an amazing opportunity by MPM School Supplies to review the products of my choice. They gave me a $25 credit to spend on their website. Well of course I couldn't just spend $25. That would be like pulling teeth!!

MPM School Supplies

Here are the items I bought!!

Wipe-off Chart Writing Paper. Since I travel between 2 schools this year. The majority of my stuff is at my home school. It is hard to take stuff back and forth. At my second school I am in the after care room without any white board space and no portable white boards. Sooooooooooooo I added this to my cart! I LOVE it!   I put it on a piece of heavy duty card board and use it every day!

Wipe-Off Chart Handwriting Paper 22 x 28

Next up- These awesome flash cards! I used these at my home school because that is where I teach math intervention. These flash cards are so versatile. They are color coded by number family. With my kinder-friends we have mastered 0's and 1's. Now we are working on 2's. Yes I could have printed them from the internet but then I have to cut them out, round the corners and punch a whole in them. Sometimes it just isn't worth it.  My co-worker is using the multiplication cards. She has them separated for her groups of kids. She loves them too. She just placed her order Wednesday!

Math In A Flash Subtraction Flash Cards  Math In A Flash Addition Flash Card  Math In A Flash Subtraction Flash Cards

My groups are struggling with phonics. I bought this as a fund way to help them learn their rhyming words. They had NO clue what cootie catchers where but they do now!!! And they love them! I haven't shown them how to make them yet I will leave that up to the teachers. But they have fun with them! It was a great investment. 

Fun Flaps Phonics

And lastly, I bought a double pocket chart stand. I purchased it for future use in my classroom. But I am currently using it to hold up my photography backdrops. It is sturdy, light weight, not easily tipped over being used with kids and pets. 

Double Pocket Chart Stand & Accessories

They products that I received are all wonderful. They shipped super duper fast. Very well packaged.! The chart stand was almost double packaged it seemed like. I ordered on March 26th and it was shipped March 28th and I received it on April 1st. Talk about fast!! 

They are giving the first 10 readers that place an order 10% off their order. Click the link below to claim yours!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pass the Torch Linky Party!

Get Ready for Bloggy Olympics!!!

Photobucket Photobucket

Join The 3AM Teacher, the Reading Olympians, and over 80 SUPREME education bloggers as we take you through a tour of the Reading Olympians Root Study Program!!

I hope you are enjoying your travels through the pass the torch linky! My name is Cindy. I am a Title 1 teacher in Michigan. I work with students in K-4th grade in reading and math. 

I had the pleasure of  working with the Kindergarten Root Study Program! I chose the "adding -s" to words to make it more than one. This has been a feature in several of our books that we have been reading in the LLI Program so I thought it fit perfectly. 

I worked with this lesson 2 days in a row. On day one, I had the kids try to cut out the puzzle pieces. (Epic Fail!)  That didn't work so well. It was to hard for my kinder kids! They just aren't that good with scissors. I went through the whole lesson with them anyways and used the "teacher set" of puzzle pieces. 

Then on day 2, I changed things a bit. I made the same words included in the lesson in power point cut them out and had them ready for the kids to work in their own root booklet. 

We created the words as a group first with the puzzle pieces that I cut out and then the kids worked to make their own booklets. Having them pre-cut worked out soooooooooooooooo much better!

Then if they had time I had them write each of them next to where they glued each word in.

I love the puzzle pieces for teacher/group use or they could also be used as a center in your classroom with a recording sheet! But my kids struggled to cut them out.

Discover the program IN ACTION in more K-6th grade classrooms as you Pass the Torch!! Get ideas, discover the progression of the program, and enter the Raffle for a chance to win ONE of the three prizes listed below!!

First Place Winner : Gold Medal

  Prizes: Complete Reading Olympians Program
            $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
            50% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Second Place Winner: Silver Medal

   Prizes: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
              40% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Third Place Winner: Bronze Medal

    Prizes: 30% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Pass the Torch!!!
Click the image below to visit the next blog


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Grade 1 & 2

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Grade 3 & 4

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Grade 5 & 6

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